Non-Sequiturs: 12.15.17

* What are the legal words of the year? Here’s a hint, Above the Law helped popularize some of them. [Clear Writing]

* What will due process look like for Judge Alex Kozinski? Here’s a hint, a lifetime appointment certainly changes things. [National Law Journal]

* Is law school really “cool” again? Here’s a hint, it never was. [Law and More]

* What do you need to know about tax law in Trumpland? Here’s a hint, Tax Prof Blog has you covered. [Tax Prof Blog]

* Did Florida congressman Matt Gaetz really call for Robert Mueller to be fired? Here’s a hint, he’s not so good at “optics.” [ABC News]

* Do you really have to deal with sleep deprivation as a working mom? Here’s a hint, yes. Yes, you do (and here’re some tips to get through). [CorporetteMoms]
Non-Sequiturs: 12.15.17 syndicated from

Author: Juudge

We deconstructed the process of finding experts, and built a data driven platform that could adapt to the demands of any case. We combined that technology with a team of skilled legal researchers and developed a system that delivers a perfect match, every time. Our mission is to help our clients be better advocates by providing them with access to the best expertise.